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Wrong Details! -- try again please, or Register as new user.

" ; //////////////////////////////////////////////// if(isset($_GET['error'])) { echo $msgWrong ; } // find IP address for form////////// $ip = getRealIpAddr() ; ?> OARS321 - Sign In
If you are already a Registered User please sign in here to access your account, or register as new user..
" ; } else echo " - Success...

" ; ///// display for first visit... $Zat = $_SESSION['ZAT'] ; $Zat++ ; $_SESSION['ZAT'] = $Zat ; if ($Zat > 100) { echo " Too many login attempts.. you will be blocked for 30 minutes from ".$Now0."
and IP addresss ".$_SESSION['ZUIP']." recorded"; echo "
exit here and record block - WIP while testing

" ; exit ; } ///////////////////////////////////// if ($_SESSION['ZUS'] == "Y" ) { ?>
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" placeholder="UserName" /> " placeholder="Password" /> IP address is recorded to prevent spam.

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