= 1) header("location:../!RESULTS1/RES_Mem1.php"); /// admin still goes to home ?> OARS321 Login

OARS321 - Registered User Home

to the OARS321 race scoring system.
Thank you for registering with OARS321... As a first time registered user, you have arrived at the introductory page where you can learn more about the system.
Once you have completed the full member details, your next login will take you direct to the Member page (bypassing this page) and you will be able to utilise the free event scoring system. To learn more we suggest you read more HERE before continuing.

Complete Member details       
Complete Member details - mobile ver Until you complete these Member details your current registration will only be valid for 6 months.
Subscribers that extend their requirements beyond the limited free trial can set up multiple events, and expand their race/class/scoring limits as required.

If you are a boat owner who wishes to enter a number of events using this scoring system then you can Register your Boat for autoentry  so that you only have to complete one set of event entry data. This saves you time when you enter an event and the organisers time collecting entry data. It also keeps track of any RORC IRC certificate updates for your boat and, most importantly...it's free!.

You have already completed your Members details, but not yet started any events setup. head there now.  If you wish to edit any member account date use the link on the Members page...
Setup Event OLD       Setup Event Mobile format
Member using the FREE TRIAL Event As a Member you can go direct to your events from your Member page...
Edit Member Details
Subscribers that extend their requirements beyond the limited free trial can set up multiple events, and expand their race/class/scoring limits as required.
To learn more about subscribing we suggest you read this HERE before continuing.
= 4 || $ZUL <-1 ) { ?> You are a SUBSCRIBER and should not have arrivd here.. go to your member page...
Edit Subscriber

Edit Member SYSTEM ADMINetails
Other stuff here.. current variables pop up if in Footer
Please remember your username () & password and ensure that the email given ( ) remains valid, as that is used to recover lost passwords.
Your current user level is . Session will log off if inactive for more than 20 mins.
Edit Reg Users data #move this to member page #
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